



關注福島核事故的朋友應該有注意到,對于福島事故中產生的核污染水有些媒體在報道時又稱之為核廢水,那么這種稱呼是否合適,核污染水與核廢水是否存在區(qū)別呢?今天我們面對面訪談綠色江南公眾環(huán)境關注中心 方應君主任。
















しかし、福島原発の汚染水は、原発事故後、メルトダウンした爐心を冷卻するために使用された海水(いわゆる核燃料の殘留物)と、爐心に入り込んだ雨水の地下水から生成されたものです。 この水は溶融した爐心と直接接觸しているため、基本的に原子爐に含まれる放射性核種をすべて含んでいます。 前にも述べたように、福島原発事故のメルトダウンした爐心には1000種類以上の放射性核種が含まれており、その多くは水に溶けます。冷卻に使われた海水が爐心に直接接觸した場合、その海水にも1000種類以上の放射性核種が含まれている可能性があります。

したがって、核廃水と核汚染水には本質的な違いがあり、福島原発事故で発生した汚水は核汚染水と呼ぶべきです。 核廃水と核汚染水を混同してはならないし、國民を混亂させたり、概念をすり替えたりしてはならないです。


Difference between nuclear wastewater and nuclear contaminated water

Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan "Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic" interview face-to-face, I am the Compere Yu Ge.

Those who are concerned about the Fukushima nuclear accident should have noticed that the nuclear contaminated water produced in the Fukushima accident is called nuclear wastewater in some media reports, so is it appropriate to call it nuclear contaminated water, and is there a difference between nuclear contaminated water and nuclear wastewater? Today, we will have a face-to-face interview with Mr. Fang Yingjun from the Lvse Jiangnan Public Environmental Concerned Centre.

CompereMay I ask Director Fang what are nuclear wastewater and nuclear contaminated water? What is the difference between them?

Fang Yingjun: Nuclear wastewater is the wastewater generated by the normal operation of nuclear power plants. In the daily operation of a nuclear power plant, the use of water can be simply understood as three mutually independent circuits: the first two circuits are each closed, and the water in the first circuit will directly enter the nuclear reactor, and the heat generated by the nuclear fuel will heat the water in this circuit to about 300 degrees Celsius, and this circuit may contain a small amount of radioactive substances, but this water will be strictly processed and purified, and it will generally be The radioactive wastewater is concentrated by evaporation and then sealed, and the amount of radioactive wastewater that needs to be disposed of in a nuclear power plant in a year is limited, probably only a few tens of tons;

The second loop, the intermediate loop, is used to cool the water in the first loop, and the water in this loop will turn into steam as it is heated by the water in the first loop, driving the turbine to generate electricity;

The water in the third circuit is only used to cool the intermediate circuit, the so-called "cooling water", and does not come into contact with the radioactive materials of the nuclear power plant. Of the three separate circuits, only the cooling water in the third circuit comes into direct contact with the natural environment and human life.

Nuclear power experts said that "normal operation of nuclear power plants, wastewater, only low to medium radioactivity, because a large part of the high radioactivity are in the fuel casing," and the nuclear wastewater generated will undergo a series of rigorous treatment before being discharged.

The Fukushima nuclear contaminated water was generated by the seawater used to cool down the melted reactor core (what we call nuclear fuel residue) after the nuclear power plant accident, as well as by the rainwater groundwater that entered the reactor core, etc. This water was in direct contact with the melted reactor core, so it basically contained all the radionuclides contained in the reactor. As we have mentioned before, there are more than 1,000 kinds of radionuclides in the core of the reactor that melted down in the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, and many of them are soluble in water, so the seawater that was used for cooling may have more than 1,000 kinds of radionuclides in it when it comes into direct contact with the core of the reactor.

Therefore, there is an essential difference between nuclear wastewater and nuclear contaminated water, and the sewage generated by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident should be called nuclear contaminated water. We should not confuse nuclear wastewater with nuclear contaminated water, nor should we confuse the public or switch concepts.

Compere: The cooling water produced during the normal operation of nuclear power plants should be called nuclear wastewater, while the sewage produced after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is nuclear contaminated water, and the low amount of nuclear wastewater is controllable. However, the total amount of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is large, and contains up to more than 1,000 kinds of high concentrations of radioactive substances, if not properly disposed of, the global ecological environment and the human health of all human beings will bring the impact of unimaginable. We will continue to monitor the progress of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water.
